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Shakti trinity deified as Brahma, Vishnu, and Mahesh


Persons with the Sata element prominently displayed, become aware of the fundamentals of life.  Sata finds reflection as positive virtues – purity, righteousness, a positive attitude, and meaningful karma, free from any malice, obsession, and prejudices.  They also understand the unity underlying all diverse existences, whereby all and sundry are essentially set into an inter-dependant relationship.  Therefore, they value all on equal terms overriding all apparent difference. They, therefore, get along well with those around with ease. They, thus, remain at peace by the self and with the rest.    They carry sense of love, are humane and compassionate.   They remain live to their collective obligations even while pursuing their individualistic aspirations. 

Sata driven use other two dimensions of shakti trinity to their advantage. Using Tamasa, they take a pause to reflect, reason out, articulate well, before getting into action.  So, invariably they make better choices in life. The Rajasa element being live, they too carry desires, but are invariably directed to serve meaningful purposes.  They don’t employ it purely with an utterly selfish motive.  Their thought process being easy, simple, and free from clutters, could use their mind power optimally. Consequently, they see things in wider perspective to pick up the most appropriate lead.  They are better focused also, and therefore have relatively higher success rating. 

Well, since human beings are born with a sense of ‘want’, a being’s conduct is motivated and driven by desire.  That, in turn brings in a sense of craving, possessiveness and attachment, which remains the prerogative of Rajasa.  The indwelling sense of desire makes one dream, and which motivates a being blindly chase their desired destination.  They ordinarily shun Tamasa, and so when faced with challenges, get unnerved.  And that they are susceptible to get drawn towards varied tempting influences of the seeming world, they have a scattered brain.  That makes it difficult for them to remain contended, and would therefore, never be at peace.     

Because of its veiling nature, the essentials of life remain clouded in Tamasa driven people.  They can’t visualise things in larger perspective, as they have self-centric narrowed vision.  Out of ignorance, such people are often not sure what they should look for in life and therefore, are usually found to be directionless.  They are restful by nature, which induces a sense of inertia, indolence, ignorance, and more often a negative mind-set.  To such people, the indwelling Rajasa element keeps the desire element alive. But at the same time, they are not keen to take pains to pursue their desires in right earnest.  So, invariably they are left behind in the run of life. Their sense of want, however, makes it difficult for them to digest the riches available with others either.  That in turn, breeds in a sense of jealousy and hatred towards the achievers.   

This way, particular mix of the three in a being, with one or the other prominently displayed, defines the unique character of each being.

To sum up, Sata, Rajasa, and Tamasa, begin their course as three dimensions of creative intelligences, whose imprints stretch on to even the last point in the evolutionary chain.  For, their psychological imperatives very much find reflection in the personality frame up of manifest beings, especially in terms of one’s thought trends on ground.  That makes continuum between the primal source and manifest being, evident. 

The spoken primal word ‘Om’ has in its store sound trinity designated by the three letters ‘A’, ‘U’, and ‘M’.  All sound syllables in active use are believed to have evolved out of these three root sounds.  ‘Om’, thus, has in its womb the seeds of all letters with their related sounds. The three letters are respectively marked with Rajasa, Sata, and Tamasa. The first two letters – ‘A’ and ‘U’ - apparently coalesce into ‘O’ in dicta-lingua.  The three are also respectively identified with waking, dreaming, and dreamless sleep state of a being in day-to-day life.  Waking state is evidently identified with Rajasa, as it involves action.  Dream state is marked with Sata, for it involves simply working on an idea either real or assumed, in the inner realm of mind, which evidently can’t be seen in real terms.  Tamasa is that restful state of mind devoid of any creative thoughts.   

Ancient India’s seers, realising the relevance of the three creative intelligences – Rajasa, Sata, and Tamasa – deified them respectively through the symbolism of Brahma, Vishnu, and Mahesh.  The concept of God-trinity, thus, is nothing but Energy concept of creation deified.

Concluding the discussion on Om, goodbye pioneer readers.

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