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Energy trinity - the concept of Om

At the outset, my humble thanks to the readers who showed concern after missing my piece on two successive Sundays, and continuously extending their patronage and love. Friends, I have been writing this column for the last 22 years. It’s time to call it a day. You may kindly appreciate that having written for more than two decades, every time I try to script a new piece, it has become difficult to find a new perspective/dimension. So, it is high time I hand over the baton to someone else who may prove true to your expectations. I am sure, Pioneer will find out a suitable alternative soon. Meanwhile on Editor’s request I will continue contributing for few more weeks before the alternative arrangement is in place. I take the opportunity to thank Pioneer team for having trusted me for so long and allowed me to write freely. An occasion arose in 2004 when in my opening issue of the year I predicted the fall of Vajpayee government. Pioneer team’s assessment was just the opposite. They could have interfered with my writeup. But they published my piece unabridged. Finally, when my prediction came true, Chandan Mitra in his weekly column that followed, while explaining reasons for their failed assessment, said: “I am not a soothsayer like Mr. Bharat Bhushan for having foreseen the result precisely.” That has been the intellectual honesty exhibited by Pioneer team, and therefore once again my humble thanks to them. Before finally saying goodbye, I am offering a serialised note on a profound subject of great importance in Indian context: “the energy principle of creation symbolised by Om.”


There seems to be similarity in the perception of both modern science and ancient India’s Vedanta, in so far as energy principle of creation is concerned.  Both schools agree that following entropy (disorder) at the primal-source, emerged energy-streams.  They, in turn, set into motion the creation chain, which they have put forth in their own perspectives.


Ancient India’s energy-concept of creation has been beautifully symbolised by a single word: ‘Om’. The architects of the ancient Indian philosophy - the seers - were communicators-par-excellence.  Brevity was their essence.  In few words or just through a symbol, they could say a great deal that could easily reach out all and sundry, transgressing all divides of lingua franca and intellect. ‘Om’ is one such reflection of their genius. It encompasses a complete picture about the world process, right from the source down to the manifest living order.  It contains a wholesome philosophy over which volumes have already been written over the years.  Many more insights may follow – and yet be incomplete.  For, it has within itself as much enfolded mysteries as could nature’s complex mechanisms have.  Every fresh look, and the symbol has the potential to unfold a new dimension.

‘Om’ is a pure energy concept.  It epitomises the way things would have moved at the Primal-Source before manifestation, following which the creation chain was set into motion.  It also tells us how the creation chain progressively evolved to build an intelligent system, which has been continuously engaged in creation, sustenance, and recycling of the living order.  When this energy, as symbolised by Om got triggered, in turn, it excited many other modes of differentiated energies. It had and continue to have a resounding effect on the world process as well as fundamental conduct of man. 

‘Om’ is supposed to be the primal-sound excited following self-created entropy (disorder) at the primal-source. It is said to be inaudible to human ears.  The forces emanating from the Primal-Source, following arousal of this primal-sound, set into motion the creation chain. That progressively evolved into the manifest plural world, with all its enormity and diversity.  Here, it may be interesting to note that from the beginning to the end of creation, there is a perennial sound in play, but operating on various pitches.  For example, in music all over the world, there are seven key notes, which in fact personify seven levels of consciousness.  There is one more form of sound, which is called soundless sound (meaning inaudible inner sound).  It can be heard only by a true seeker who turns his attention inward.  This, in Indian context is called ‘Anahata nada’, which is nothing but the Om sound.  This primal sound is also called ‘Shabda Brahman’, as it lies at the root of all creations.  It is purposely said so because, all differentiated sound-energies are said to have evolved out of the actions that followed the stirring of the Primal-Source.

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