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First, purify your mind

“I have developed keen interest in spirituality. I spend an hour every day doing yoga, pranayama, and meditation. I have been studying philosophical books. I want to fast-track my spiritual evolution. I have realised that raising Kundalini level is the key to spiritual awakening.” Somebody visiting me informed. “Are you pursuing your path under the guidance of a Guru?” I asked. “No. I don’t have a Guru. But I have someone in mind, whom I wish to have my Guru.” He answered. 

I am afraid, pursuing any occult practise without due guidance by a realised Guru is fraught with danger. Awakening of kundalini power does raise the energy level in a being. That, however, will be eventually driven by your thought process - which again is another form of energy - according as is inherently oriented. So, with a preconditioned thought process at the drive, trying to awaken kundalini awakening could prove counterproductive. It could even derail you as has happened in large number of cases. If you think that spirituality is about developing psychic power, then you are mistaken. It is rather a process to give a qualitative turn your life. That will not happen without redefining your thought process. 

Invariably one’s mind is so much cluttered with past imprints and habit tendencies that it hardly leaves space to absorb fresh educative inputs. And spirituality is about realising hard truths of life, often at variance with usual approach to life, which calls for fresh learning. That will happen only when you break the barriers created by your preconditioned mind. Also, there are good number of people proclaiming themselves to be a Guru, some of them seemingly have a wide following. Their words may be intellectually appealing. That, however, doesn’t qualify him to be your Guru. If you have the sincere urge to have a Guru, he will appear and take you within his care, if your mental frequency matches with his. An enlightened Guru will first prepare you for the process by putting you through a process to transcend your mental and emotional limitations. Only a purified mind could realise truths of life. Also, if you think of fast tracking your spiritual evolution, then it is your egotistical statement. Spirituality begins where ego ends and will progressively evolve. You can’t time it.  

“Do you think I am not fit to pursue spirituality?” The fellow countered. Well, you carry the seed potential of spirituality as would clear linkage of the lagna, 5th and 9th cusps imply. But given the state of your mind, you don’t seem to be prepared for it. “What is wrong with my thought process? Will you kindly enlighten?” The fellow asked. 

Fiery Aries as the lagna, you seem to be aggressive, impulsive, irritable, commanding, and impatient, living in a demanding mode. You jump into action without applying proper forethought, often inviting frustrating experiences. Rahu in the lagna makes you erratic, and with Mercury close by, you seem to have a restive mind. You won’t like playing second fiddle to others, even if he is your superior. Moon in Gemini sign opposite mischievous Neptune speaks of a vacillating mind. You may be stuck to your illusionary perceptions and not open to look beyond for a reality check. You fail to acknowledge truth on its first appearance, and rather continue following your self-beliefs till pushed to the wall. Also, you wish to live on your own exclusive terms, not realising that life may not necessarily move to your asking. You prefer yes persons. When somebody offers a contrarian view, it becomes difficult to digest. You immediately get put off and go wild on him. Even more because Mars opposite Uranus makes you temperamental. Jupiter placed adverse to Mercury and Rahu accounts for your insensible reasoning and judgment. If that would not be enough, the Sun opposite Saturn brings in nagging tendency, always trying to put the blame on others, rather than trying to figure out one’s own fault lines.

If you could address the limitations of your mind, that by itself will mean significant spiritual growth, as it may help turn life into a beautiful experience individually and collectively. For, you will have access to the full landscape of mind, which will let you look at things with an open mind without any preconditioning whatsoever. It will enable you to see things in the right perspective to pick up the most appropriate lead, and with obvious consequences. Also, the ground will be laid down to even realise truth, the final call of spirituality.

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